Hi, Fidelity 2011

Hi, Fidelity


Release Date

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Hi, Fidelity

Plot Synopsis

When these affluent housewives (Pat Ha, Michelle Ye, Carrie Ng) set out for fun, they agreed on several terms: go together and take care of each other; find a reliable gigolo club in an alien city; use only fake names, never reveal the true identity; and most importantly, pay only money for pleasures, no love involved.

However, things turned out not according to their plans. This super lover boy (William Chan) entered their lives and they gradually broke all those rules they set up while their adventures went astray.

Relationship, friendship, self-esteem, hope for the future... everything shattered when the basic desire exploded. They were forced to face their own selves, and redeem themselves from their apathetic lives.

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